Ina Gravem Johansen is an silver and goldsmith with additional competence in design, gemmology and stone setting.

Ina Gravem Johansen
Holder, designer and gold/ silversmith at IGJ Design.
- 1st place in the NAJD Design Competition 2018
- Gullsmedforbundet’s exhibition in 2018
- Exhibits the Norwegian parlament Storting 2017, Director NAJD (Norwegian Assosiation of Jewelery Designers)
- 2nd place in the NAJD Design Competition 2017
- 3rd place in the NAJD Design Competition 2016
- 1st place in the NAJD Design Competition 2015
- Gullsmedforbundet’s exhibition in 2014
- Goldsmithing at Kristallen AB, Sweden 2009
- Practical stone setting and theoretical gemmology at Luleå Technical University (LTU), Sweden 2009
- Gemology-Diamonds, Kristallen AB, 2010
- Gemology- Pearls, Kristallen AB, 2010